
Tech projects and experiences I've had the luxury of taking part that I feel specially proud of.

Front end Nuxt Headless Wordpress

Getting Ibizaprojects into the Jamstack

Applying a Figma design handed by Ambar Amill into a fully static, responsive, engaging and performant website. The project revolves around the spanish island of Ibiza and all of its ecosystem of professionals.

The client already had a Wordpress with some content, as well as liking its admin panel. So we went for a solution where we queried the Wordpress site API at build time to use its content, while keeping the wordpress admin experience.

Tech stach used:

  • Nuxt.js
  • TailwindCSS for styles
  • Netlify for deploy
  • Wordpress used as headless CMS
Full stack Adonis Typescript Domain Driven Design

Full Admin RP for Retail Startup

Full Admin RP for Retail Startup

A Barcelona retail startup needed a full-stack web app that would help them with their day-to-day operations. These include: handle all of their orders, inventory, point of sale, receiving payments online, public secure access to allow customers to see their current order status, fulfilling orders, and synching with their Shopify online store. The admins were not technologically strong, so a clear and straight-forward UX was necessesary.

Role - Full-stack Tech Lead Engineer & Product Owner.


  • Coding most of both the Back-end and Front-end of the app
  • Leading a team of 2 other developers (one Back and another Front) and a designer in an Agile week-by-week sprint approach
  • Designing the System's architecture and choosing the tech-stack for a tuned balance of cost, scalability, availability, and implementation time
  • Discussing with Heads of Operations, Finance, and Branding to design the app and solve problems taking all stake-holders into account
  • Implementing a fully tested (unit, integration, and end2end) approach and setting up a pipeline to enable Continous Integration & Deployment (Github Actions) to deploy multiple times a day
  • Integrating third party software when the added strategically made sense for the business (Shopify, Stripe, Sendcloud, VR provider)

Links - Being the Admin app of a running company, I cannot share links or access to it.

Stack Node back-end in Typescript - MongoDB - PostgreSQL - Adonis.js - TailwindCSS - Vue.js - MVC - Domain Driven Design - Hexagonal Architecture - DigitalOcean - Heroku - Shopify - Liquid - Redis caching

Dates I worked on this project while working as a Head of Technology in the company, on-and-off for 5 years with many other projects